Category: Child Abuse

March 13, 2019 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Welcome back and thanks for joining us for more on the subject of disciplining children in Michigan, and what methods the law says we are free to use. As we covered in the previous article, Michigan law does allow parents to spank their children. However, as Brandy Thompson, an experienced child abuse defense lawyer explains,…

March 7, 2019 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

This is a touchy subject, we know. People tend to feel very strongly about this, one way or another, and there’s very little middle ground. Couple that with the fact that we live in a time when parent’s rights are almost constantly being questioned, if not violated, and you have a subject people are really…

March 5, 2019 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Earlier in February, a 3-month-old baby boy was found unresponsive at his daycare. He was rushed to Promedica Children’s Hospital in Toledo just south of the Michigan border, where medical professionals determined that the infant has suffered a severe brain injury. Doctors at Promedica reached out to Michigan State Police to report what they suspected…

February 27, 2019 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Welcome back and thanks for joining us again for this discussion about how to handle a situation where a medical professional has misdiagnosed child abuse. Nothing could be more awful for a parent than to take your child to the hospital to get them help, and then be accused of causing whatever is hurting them….

February 22, 2019 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

It’s every parent’s worst nightmare. Taking your sick child to the doctor to help them get better, only to be accused of causing those injuries yourself. And as if those heinous accusations aren’t awful enough, now the state is getting involved. You’re going to be investigated, accused, possibly charged with a crime. Some well meaning…

January 30, 2019 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

The Nassar case was a wildfire. It tore through the media like an unstoppable tidal wave, made an overnight celebrity out of Ingham County Circuit Court Judge Rosemarie Aquilina, and set records for how many victims were allowed to give impact statements during the trial. The whole world tuned in to watch. And MSU, the…

January 29, 2019 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Wait, what? A young teen to get married in Michigan? Since when can young teenagers get married in Michigan? Actually, many people don’t realize it (including most people who live here in the Great Lakes State). But Michigan’s marriage age – with parental consent, of course – is the unbelievably young age of 14! Yes,…

December 14, 2018 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

The Michigan-based female genital mutilation case that rocked the nation over the last two years came to a surprising an rather controversial end recently, when a federal judge dismissed the charges on the grounds that they aren’t constitutional. Come again? What was that, you wonder? How on earth can cutting the genitals of little girls…

November 1, 2018 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Welcome back to this conversation about how parents should talk to their children about sexual abuse. In a nutshell, we’re looking at the difficulties that come up when a parent questions their child about a possible sexual abuse situation. Obviously, as parents, we want to know that our kids are safe, and find out the…