Author: Abuse and Neglect Attorney

October 19, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

The word molestation raises instant emotions in people, none of them good. People experience anger, disgust and even fear when the subject is brought up. Ask anyone exactly what molestation is, however, and many of them can’t articulate it for you. In part, this could be because it’s a distasteful subject and so they haven’t…

October 13, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

  Larry Nassar, the much-maligned former US Olympics doctor and darling of MSU’s sports medicine program is under review by MSU. However, as it turns out, the University has no intention of sharing the details of that review with the public. An opportunity which several people have pointed out would have been a great teaching…

October 11, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

  A new six-bill package aimed at protecting seniors from abuse has been introduced to the Michigan House of Representatives. The bills, if signed into law, would beef up existing safeguards designed to protect the elderly in Michigan from those who would take advantage of them, and those who abuse them.   The bipartisan bills…

October 6, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

There was a time, before everything and anything became available online, when purchasing a  copy of the Anarchist Cookbook would get you put on an FBI list. Why? Because while many people who bought and read it, did so for curiosity’s sake, there were those who actually learned something.. and put that information to use….

October 4, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Most parents know that there should be a limit to screen time for their kids. Many Michigan families have rules in place, like “no devices in the bedrooms after lights out” or “no phones at the dinner table” that help to manage the amount of time kids spend on their phones. However, for some parents,…

September 27, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Welcome back and thanks for joining us again. In the previous post we talked about termination of parental rights, and the differences between voluntary and involuntary termination. In this next section we’ll be looking at what happens when someone is facing a parental termination, so that you know what to expect if this ever happens…

September 22, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Termination of parental rights is a very complex and very frightening subject. People tend to not want to talk about it unless they are enmeshed in a battle with CPS and the subject comes up as a possibility. We understand the reluctance. After all, it’s a difficult topic. But while it may not be comfortable…

September 20, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

The subject of female genital mutilation is one that has received a lot of air time in Michigan in 2017, and something that we’ve discussed several times already. With several instances being discovered and investigated in the Detroit area this year already, this subject is now a hot button here in the great lakes state….

September 16, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

We often talk about the tragedy of false allegations. We’ve posted numerous articles over the years about the difficulties that victims of false allegations will face, and what they can do about it. What we don’t often have the ability to share, however, is the other side of the coin – information about those people…

September 13, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Having just discussed Munchausen by Proxy and how doctors and hospital officials can sometimes use this as a tool to manipulate and control parents who aren’t compliant. In other words, if a parent doesn’t agree with a doctor’s diagnosis or assessment, they may choose to seek out another medical opinion. However, some doctors, in order…