We recently shared with you some very interesting information about recovered memory therapy, and whether or not it was possible to plant memories of abuse in a person’s mind during therapy. The current case in which this question has been a central issue, is Kathryn Salmi vs. Lale and Joan Roberts. In this article, we are…
Author: Abuse and Neglect Attorney
In August of 2009, Kristi Roberts, who was at the time a 17-year-old living with her parents and older sister, went into therapy. According to her parents, they had discovered that an older neighbor who helped with the family’s gardening had molested her. Additionally, there was the incident at Bible camp, where a member of…
Angela Alexie Gets Up to Life in Prison Angela Alexie, the young mother whose baby was found dead on a conveyor belt at a recycling center in 2015, was recently sentenced in the Macomb County Court by Judge James Biernat Jr.
In the previous article in this series on child abuse myths, we discussed the fact that April is National child abuse month, and while we are well-known defense attorneys who have dedicated our careers to representing falsely accused parents and caregivers, we are also parents who understand that child abuse does happen, and that…
April is state-wide child abuse prevention month. Although we are defense attorneys who specialize in defending parents and caregivers who are falsely accused of child abuse, we are also parents who understand that child abuse is a very real problem in today’s world. So on that note, we would like to bring to the…
Is This a New Form of Abuse? According to a new directive which the State of Michigan Board of Education is hoping to put in place in the near future, a student may choose their own gender without the school being required to inform their parents.
Melissa Mitin, the young Okemos mother accused of murdering her newborn baby daughter by placing her facedown in a waste paper basket at a family friend’s home, is now facing another very serious charge.
Flint Man Charged With Child Abuse Cameron Wells, a 27-year-old Flint resident, has been charged with multiple counts of child abuse and assault with intent to murder for allegedly beating his girlfriend’s two toddlers. But according to the father of the two little boys, this isn’t a new phenomena, and he has been trying…
Michigan’s Safe Haven law, also known as the “safe delivery” law, took effect on January 1st. 2001. This law allows a Michigan parent to safely and anonymously surrender an infant to authorities within 72 hours, or three days, of the child’s birth. No questions asked. No legal backlash. No criminal charges.
Abuse Allegations Involve Students at Drug Treatment Boarding School Although this story doesn’t take place in Michigan, it involves a drug addiction treatment center. We have a number of those here in the mitten state, and teenagers come from states all over the country to use them. So while this incident didn’t happen here,…