Author: Abuse and Neglect Attorney

September 9, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Thanks for joining us here as we discuss the extremely difficult topic of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. In our previous post we looked at some basic facts about sufferers of MSBP and also some key pieces of information about what the illness is and how it’s categorized. Moving on, we’re going to look at how…

September 7, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

If you’ve ever seen Proxy, A Child’s Cry for Help or Sixth Sense, or read the best seller Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn, then you’re familiar with ‘Munchausen by Proxy‘ as a psychological condition. Granted, you’ve probably seen the Hollywood version, which is often over-dramatized and altered under the guise of creative license. But nevertheless, the reality…

September 2, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

This is a question we get asked a lot. What is the difference between Domestic Abuse and Assault? Is there even a difference in Michigan? And if so, how could it affect me and my children? We understand that this can be a confusing subject, so we’ve decided to break it down for you in…

August 30, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

  Welcome back, and thanks for joining us as we wrap up this discussion on how to choose the right defense attorney to represent you during a child abuse or neglect defense case. IF you are just joining us now, we recommend that you  take a moment to go back and catch up on the…

August 24, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Welcome back and thanks for joining us again. In our previous article, we discussed how to determine whether or not you need an attorney, and whether or not you are facing state or federal charges. Next we’re going to be looking at things you need to take into account when selecting an abuse and neglect…

August 22, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Do you need a defense attorney in Michigan? If you got a speeding ticket, or lost control of your car on an icy road and bumped into a street sign, but didn’t stick around or report the accident, you could be cited by the police. While both of these count as breaking the law, they…

August 17, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Welcome back, and thanks for joining us as we unpack the rather complex subject of the legal ethics that govern a criminal defense attorney’s conduct in Michigan. In the previous article we looked at the dilemma faced by criminal defense attorneys, as summed up by Evan A. Jenness as a defense attorney’s need to “walk…

August 15, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Anyone who loves crime dramas and legal thrillers has watched scenes where a defendant tries to tell their attorney about what they really did, and their lawyer says, “I don’t want to know!” This may seem strange to people. After all, why wouldn’t your defense attorney want to know the truth? How can they properly…

August 11, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Welcome back and thanks for joining us against for this discussion on shaming, and whether or not it constitutes child abuse. In our previous article we discussed a Michigan case, based in Monroe, where one parent used public shaming as a method of discipline, which led the other parent to call CPS and refuse future…

August 9, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Parenting issues and how people choose to raise their kids are issues that blaze a trail through social media on a weekly basis. Usually this happened in the form of public backlash and parent-shaming for the way a particular issue was handled. A temper-tantrum in the grocery store; a socially inappropriate birthday party theme; a…