April is national child abuse prevention month, and the efforts made around Michigan to raise both awareness and financial help for local organizations battling this crime are inspiring. People from all walks of life getting together to make more Michigan residents aware of what’s happening behind closed doors, and raising money to support nonprofits helping children recover from the trauma of abuse and neglect. Here are a few highlights from all over the state:
Southwest Michigan’s CAC has a full line-up planned:
The Children’s Advocacy Center of Southwest Michigan kicked off the month by planting their pinwheel garden (pinwheels are the national symbol of child abuse awareness). For the rest of April, they plan to host a number of events and ‘Darkness to Light – Stewards of Children’ training sessions that aim to educate adults on the signs of child abuse, and what to do when they see it. They’re also asking local schools to post pictures of kids wearing blue (the official color of child abuse prevention) and tag them on social media as part of the campaign to raise awareness.
Oakland County’s Care House is selling pinwheel kits
CARE House of Oakland County has put a pinwheel garden in front of the courthouse annually for many years now, but this will be the first year they’re trying to get local businesses involved. For $500, CARE House will provide a local business with a pinwheel kit so they can plant their own child abuse awareness garden, and promotion on social media. The money raised will be put towards child abuse prevention programs. They are hoping for a total of 200 participating businesses around Oakland County.
Branch County Domestic & Sexual Violence Task Force is hosting movie day
Branch County Domestic & Sexual Violence Task Force is working to raise awareness for both Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month – both of which are in April. Task force members will be manning a booth at the Courthouse Rotunda during Crime Victim Rights Week (April 13 – 17), and there will be a showing at Tibbet’s Opera House of “Ring of Silence”- a fictional human trafficking movie set in Michigan. The movie showing is free, and several nearby restaurants have agreed to offer meal specials in support of the task force on that day, with a portion of proceeds being donated to the BCCADSV
Gratiot County offers a wide range of events
Child Advocacy of Gratiot County kicked off the month with a free programs at Swanson Academic Center of Alma College, where the special guest speaker was is Taylor Cole, one of the former athletes sexually abused by Dr. Larry Nassar. There will also be “Lunch and Learn: Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Intervention in Athletics” program offered at the public library, and a “Walk in Their Shoes” presentation at the advocacy center, which offers a behind-the-scenes look at how the Child Advocacy Center team works together to help abused children. Add to that the fundraising basketball games, and the community member training sessions, and you have a full line up.
Lansing hosts a rally at the Capitol building
In keeping with tradition, the Michigan Children’s Trust Fund will host their child abuse awareness rally at The State Capitol building in Lansing. Child abuse awareness advocates from all over Ingham county are encouraged to attend the event, which will include a rally on the Capitol steps, a procession down Michigan avenue, and a formal pinwheel garden planting in the traffic circle in front of the Capitol. The theme of the event is once again ‘The power of One’, which asserts that “the power of one person, one community, one dollar and one action can make a positive impact on the prevention of child abuse.”
Child abuse is a major problem here in Michigan.
Since 1985, April has been nationally recognized as Child Abuse Prevention Month, which is very important, as thousands of children suffer abuse every year. However, what often isn’t talked about are the innocent people whose lives get destroyed when they’re falsely accused of child abuse. But that’s what we’re here for – standing behind the scenes, working to represent those who’ve been misrepresented by lies and mistakes. If that sounds like your situation, call 866 766 5245. Our experienced child abuse defense attorneys are standing by to help you.