A Current “Shaken Baby” Case Revives The Debate About This Questionable Science (Pt 2)

January 11, 2019 Abuse and Neglect Attorney
Baby in hospital
Science has proven that just because a baby has the three “cornerstone symptoms” of SBS, doesn’t mean they were ever shaken!

Welcome back to this discussion about “shaken baby syndrome” and why we believe (along with countless others) that this allegation gets way more press time than it should. As we mentioned in the previous article, we’re not trying to claim that it never happens, or that it isn’t a tragedy when it does. What we are trying to say though, is that evidence can be interpreted a lot of different ways, and just because a baby or a toddler has a certain set of symptoms, doesn’t mean it’s empirical evidence that they’re the victims of abuse!

Let’s take a look at those symptoms…

There are three very specific symptoms that all doctors look for when attempting to diagnose shaken baby syndrome. These are: bleeding on the brain, bleeding behind the eyes, and brain swelling. According to the previous scientific belief, when these three are all present at the same time, they automatically point to violent head trauma. But what a growing number of experts in the medical community are finally realizing, is that while that might be true, they also point to a host of other things as well!

In addition to the fact that we’re finally realizing how inconclusive these symptoms can be, there’s a growing group of medical experts who say that shaking a baby doesn’t conclusively produce these exact results every time. So these specific symptoms should not be the keystone for SBS accusations. But what does that mean for parents with children who present with shaken baby symptoms?

The symptoms can mean a lot of different things…

Believe it or not, there are many reasons why an infant or toddler could present with signs of abuse. Specifically, the three “cornerstone” symptoms that doctors have associated with shaken babies for decades. These include:

  • Genetic disorders,
  • Birth-related traumas,
  • Rare medical conditions,
  • Accidental injuries

All of these and more could all account for why a child might have the fateful symptoms that look like signs of SBS, but they don’t immediately point to an abusive caregiver. And according to an ever-widening circle of medical professionals, that shouldn’t be the first place we look for an answer when a child is suffering.

Being accused of harming a child is a life changing experience!

Whether it’s the police or CPS making the accusations (or both!) if you’re up against allegations of child abuse, you have a very long road ahead. But don’t despair, you don’t have to walk that road alone! Join us next time as we continue this series on Shaken Baby Syndrome. But until then, if you or a loved one have been accused of shaking or otherwise harming a child in Michigan, call The Kronzek Firm immediately at 866 766 5245. We have decades of successful experience, and we can help you too.