If you think that CPS only takes kids away from “bad” parents, the kind you read about in the paper who allegedly beat and burn and bite their children, think again. Unfortunately, CPS is not nearly so magnanimous. There are a host of other reasons that they can remove your children from your care – reasons that have nothing to do with actual abuse or neglect. Here are four commonly used reasons…
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
It is the obligation of every parent to provide for their children. But that means more than just food, clothing, and shelter. Medical care counts as a necessity as well. So don’t skip out on the doctor visits or wellness check ups, or you may just end up with CPS knocking on your door.
Additionally, consider the implications before taking your children’s health into your own hands. Attempting to medicate your children without the oversight of a doctor, or deciding on what treatment best fits your children’s medical needs can also get you into trouble. Like Amy Cunningham, who treated her son’s conditions with medical grade marijuana, you too could lose your children for making medical decisions that CPS doesn’t approve of.
Home alone – not just a funny 90’s comedy
Don’t leave your kids alone, or even unattended, in any capacity. In your home, at a park, or even in your backyard, don’t think that just because you know where they are and what they’re doing, you’re okay. You’re not.
Like the Meitiv family, who were harassed by CPS for allowing their children to play in a park down the road, everyone is at risk. Laura Browder was arrested for child abandonment when she was no more than 30 feet from her children in the food court of the mall. Sadly, no one is safe from the prying eyes and accusing fingers of the state.
It is important to note that there is no law in Michigan regarding a specific age that your child may be left alone, which means that once again parents are left with the gray area of what is “reasonable.” While one 12 year old is certainly responsible enough to stay home, a different 14 year old may be too immature for the same responsibilities. We recommend that you use your best judgement with each individual child, and exercise caution.
We hope these pointers have been helpful for you, if not a little unsettling. Join us next time for the rest of this discussion on how parenting is becoming more and more a state-regulated aspect of daily life these days. Until then, if you or a loved one have been accused of abuse or neglect, or have a CPS agent claiming that you are not a good parent, contact us immediately at 866 346 5879. The skilled and experienced CPS defense attorneys at The Kronzek Firm have been successfully defending parental rights for decades. We are here for you!