Author: Abuse and Neglect Attorney

April 6, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

  Traditionally the issue of embezzlement is dealt with by criminal defense attorneys and has nothing to do with the issue of abuse. However, when the victim is a vulnerable adult, embezzlement can be viewed as a form of abuse, because stripping a vulnerable person of their financial safety net can have very serious implications…

April 4, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

  Termination of parental rights is a subject that causes  a great deal of confusion and fear for many Michigan parents, and rightly so. Having your parental rights permanently terminated is a terrifying concept, and should be taken very seriously. However, while the fear is completely understandable, the confusion is actually easy to deal with….

March 28, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

  A young Battle Creek boy remains in critical condition in the hospital, three of his siblings have been removed by CPS, and his mother is behind bars. This story has featured in many online news articles in the last few days, and the rumors circulation are getting stranger by the minute. So let’s take…

March 23, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

  We have been following the case of Dr. Larry Nassar for many months now, since the very first allegations of sexual abuse of a minor were made public. It has been a long and difficult road for everyone involved, and now a new curve ball has been thrown into the mix. MSU, who cleared…

March 21, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

  Currently under Michigan law, there is a very specific list of people who are considered to be  mandated reporters of child abuse. That means that they are legally required to report any child abuse or neglect to the appropriate agency, such as child protective services, law enforcement, or Michigan’s toll-free child abuse reporting hotline…

March 16, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

  The Word of Faith Fellowship Church in North Carolina has already had its share of very bad press. Labelled a ‘cult’, with thriving support groups for ex-members, this particular church has a pretty bad rap. However, being labelled as cultish isn’t too hard for devotees to shrug off, as they can simply claim to…

March 14, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

  It’s that time again – tax time! When all employed people eagerly anticipate the windfall heading their way, and all self-employed people reluctantly cough up a giant chunk of their earnings to Uncle Sam. However, since death and taxes are both unavoidable, it would make sense to use this opportunity (tax time, not death!)…

March 9, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

  27-year-old Derrick Wardell Mason III, a resident of Durand, has been arrested for the alleged abuse of a 22-month-old girl. According to police reports, the child in question was hospitalized with life-threatening injuries in February, and the investigation has resulted in both Mason and the child’s mother facing charges.   According to the Shiawassee…

March 7, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

  Thank you for joining us a second time to look at what child abuse charges in Michigan might include. In the previous article we looked at what the possibilities were for someone facing child abuse charges might be up against, as it isn’t a simple or single charge. There are numerous options, depending on…