The Kronzek Firm
“Osteogenesis imperfecta” (“OI”) sounds almost as bad as it is. A troubling disease is behind this long name. It is often referred to as “brittle bone disease” and it can affect kids in many different ways.
There are almost 20 different kinds of “brittle bone disease”. This disease plagues nearly 1 in every 10,000 people. The state of Michigan has over 10 million people. With that many residents, thousands of Michiganders could be affected with this OI or brittle bone disease.
CPS thinks I abused my child
Toddlers with “brittle bone disease” might break a leg or crack a rib simply by taking a small tumble while learning to walk. Kids with this disease may also have respiratory problems, weak and unhealthy teeth, and underdeveloped organs.
It is difficult for the parents of these kids. Oftentimes, the normal rumble and tumble nature of childhood is stripped from kids with OI. Doctors often interpret injuries caused by OI to be the fault of the parents. In many cases, doctors or other mandatory reporters contact Children’s Protective Services (“CPS”). Several of the major children’s hospitals have “child protection teams” to diagnose or treat cases that they believe are the result of child abuse or child neglect. These include The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Helen Devos Children’s Hospital / Spectrum Health in Grand Rapids as well as Ascension and Mott Children’s Hospital in Detroit. Beaumont Hospital in Southfield, MI created its Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN) program around 1980.
CPS will often jump the gun and believe that the medical condition displayed by a child is due to a parent’s abuse and/or neglect. For almost 30 years, our highly trained attorneys at The Kronzek Firm have defended parents that have been falsely accused or abusing or neglecting their children. We have experienced the quick jump to incorrecting accusing parenting of child abuse when proper procedure, testing and diagnosis has been overlooked. We work with medical specialists from all over the U.S. to assist our clients in addressing charges of child abuse. Our defense team can be reached by calling 800-576-6035 when you are ready to hire an attorney.
No one will believe me!
If you have been accused of abusing or neglecting your child, an experienced attorney can help. It is important to keep advocating for your rights. There are other parents in Michigan that have experienced this. You are not alone.
OI and child abuse are often misdiagnosed. However, medical testing can definitively diagnose a child with “brittle bone disease”. Other times, the doctors call these “non accidental injury” (NAI) cases. They misdiagnose lots of times.
Accusations can lead to your kids being removed from your home. False allegations can lead to prison time. The experience can leave you with a broken heart and can cause emotional and physical problems for your child. Hiring an attorney knowledgeable in osteogenesis imperfecta can mean the difference in your case.
The Kronzek Firm can help you fight for your child!
Our trusted child abuse, child neglect, NAI and CPS defense law team is here to help you. If you are searching for expert legal advice, our firm has represented hundreds of people in Michigan in their fight for their kids. To set up your free initial consultation today, call 800-576-6035. We’re available 24/7, including nights and on weekends for crisis intervention. You are not alone!