Murder Charges for Mother of Children Found in Freezer

April 7, 2015 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Her tragic tale of abuse and murder has created a media storm across the country. And now, in addition to the child abuse charges she was initially faced with, Mitchelle Angela Blair is  facing murder charges as well. The 35-year-old Detroit mother has been charged with felony murder, premeditated murder and torture.

After an eviction crew found the bodies of her children in a freezer in her apartment just weeks ago, a horrific story is unfolding around this family. Blair’s oldest daughter, a 17-year-old who claims that she was forced to put her dead sister in the freezer, has shared terrifying stories of her home life. Life that included regular beatings, burnings, and other forms of torture.

Her lawyer, court appointed defense attorney Wyatt Harris, requested that Blair undergo an examination at the state forensic center. He hopes to determine whether or not she is competent to waive her miranda rights and stand trial. The requests was granted by 36th District Court Judge Kenneth King.

The hearing, which took place in the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice, was only 16 minutes long. During the hearing, her attorney requested permission to view the taped interviews with Blair’s remaining son and daughter. He was granted permission, but cautioned that the videos may never be publicized or released.

Blair was already charged with four counts of first-degree child abuse, and a single count of committing first-degree child abuse in the presence of another child.​ Now, in the wake of the long-awaited autopsies, she is also charged with two counts of felony murder, two counts of first-degree premeditated murder, and two counts of torture.

Following the autopsies, the death of 13-year-old Stoni Ann Blair was determined by the medical examiner’s office to be the result of multiple blunt force traumas. 9-year-old Stephen Gage Berry, however, died from blunt force trauma and thermal injuries.

Blair’s next scheduled court appearance is June 19th. The judge, who is looking to avoid any delays in the case, reminded both attorneys that everyone involved needs to have everything ready to go by then.