Category: Parental Rights

February 12, 2019 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Hey there, thanks for joining us again for the wrap up of this discussion. So far we’ve looked at a couple of cases here in Michigan where innocent parents were falsely accused of child abuse by the Child Protection Team at Mott’s Children’s Hospital, led by Dr. Bethany Mohr. Thankfully, in both cases we looked…

January 25, 2019 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Whether or not to vaccinate your kids – it’s a debate almost as heated as abortion and whether or not the current President should be in office. Welcome back to our discussion on this controversial topic. However, we’re not actually taking a stand on one side or the other here (that’s up to you!). Rather,…

January 23, 2019 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

The issue of vaccinating children is a heated one. Vaxers versus anti-vaxers is a war that has raged across social media platforms for several years now, and everyone has taken a firm stand on one side of the line or the other. Insults are tossed around, and accusations of “bad parenting” and “child abuse” are…

October 5, 2018 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Welcome back and thanks for joining us. We’ve been talking about the rights that incarcerated parents have, and how CPS tends to overlook those very important issues. As we mentioned in the previous article, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled on this in 2010, making it illegal for CPS to terminate a parents rights to their…

October 3, 2018 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

This may seem like a strange question to some people. After all, if you’ve gone to prison, that means you did something very bad, and so if you lose contact with your kids, you probably deserve it, right? Actually, there’s a lot more to this topic than many people realize, and it’s a very complex…

March 14, 2018 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

If you’ve ever cracked a U.S. history book, then you know that the treatment of First Nations Tribes in this country doesn’t constitute our nation’s proudest moments. Yet slowly, strides are being made towards reparations and recognition of the unique rights of Native Americans. This most recent law, giving tribal members access to certain CPS…

January 25, 2018 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Every now and again a story crops up that’s so sad, so odd and inexplicable, that it captures the nation’s imagination, and generates a firestorm of media attention. However, with that media attention comes a host of people who will use it to prove their own theories and support their own ideals. And the story…

September 20, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

The subject of female genital mutilation is one that has received a lot of air time in Michigan in 2017, and something that we’ve discussed several times already. With several instances being discovered and investigated in the Detroit area this year already, this subject is now a hot button here in the great lakes state….

April 4, 2017 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

  Termination of parental rights is a subject that causes  a great deal of confusion and fear for many Michigan parents, and rightly so. Having your parental rights permanently terminated is a terrifying concept, and should be taken very seriously. However, while the fear is completely understandable, the confusion is actually easy to deal with….

July 20, 2015 Abuse and Neglect Attorney

Proposed Homeschooling Law Leaves Many Angry This is a classic case of one apple spoiling the whole bunch. Or at least, spoiling it for the rest of the bunch. And sadly, this is so often the case nowadays. One individual will make a poor choice, and countless others will be forced to suffer the fallout….